
Backup! Backup! Backup!


TAKING THE TIME TO BACK UP YOUR DATA Backing up your data is right up there with those mundane, everyday tasks that you procrastinate on (like regularly cleaning out your coffee machine) until either something catastrophic happens (your coffee machine dies), or hopefully you’ve read a blog like this that jogs your memory. We are hoping it’s the latter. The ... read more >>

Backup! Backup! Backup!2019-07-08T06:11:13+10:00

10 Common Trust Account Breaches


No matter how well you prepare for it, when you receive your first breach from your auditor, it may very well come as a shock. We want to help before any potential meltdowns occur. So we have compiled a list if you have been found in breach from your auditor. It highlights the top 10 list of the most common ... read more >>

10 Common Trust Account Breaches2019-07-08T06:11:46+10:00

Ace Your Trust Account Audit


It’s audit time. You’ve just come up for air after EOFY and now the topic of audits are on everyone’s minds. There is nothing like an impending audit to raise the blood pressure levels and threaten the satisfaction of a full night’s, rested sleep. However fear not, as the reality is really not as bad as what your mind can ... read more >>

Ace Your Trust Account Audit2019-07-08T06:12:14+10:00

Surviving End of Financial Year Without Losing Your Mind


End of Financial Year You just got through the last one relatively unscathed, just a few bumps and bruises to show. You recovered… then you blinked and BOOM! It’s here again. And with it comes higher than normal stress levels, later nights, less sleep and a whole lot of thoughts about how you’ll do it better next year. Well, the ... read more >>

Surviving End of Financial Year Without Losing Your Mind2019-07-08T06:15:07+10:00

Misappropriation of Bond Money


RENTAL BONDS ONLINE A New System to Reduce Misappropriation of Bond Money The misuse of trust money is still a hot topic in Real Estate. We have previously written about bond theft and how it is the most common cause of misappropriation of funds in the industry. Unfortunately the message seems to still have not gotten through with agents continuing ... read more >>

Misappropriation of Bond Money2019-07-08T06:15:56+10:00

Your 10 Step Guide to Switching Trust Accounting Software


THE KEY TO A SUCCESSFUL SWITCH So you have made the big call to switch your trust accounting software provider. Congratulations on making the decision to out with the old and in with the new! It can be a tough decision as switching providers may mean short-term pain – but one that will invariably lead to long-term gain. Now that ... read more >>

Your 10 Step Guide to Switching Trust Accounting Software2019-07-08T06:20:17+10:00

9 Top Reasons to Clean Your Trust Accounting Software


Keep it Clean As each day passes EOFY is getting closer and closer and our days of procrastinating on those niggling overdue admin tasks are limited. Let’s admit, we have all had those thoughts of doing a big spring clean on all our systems and procedures. To clear the clutter and make room for some organisation. A fresh start, and ... read more >>

9 Top Reasons to Clean Your Trust Accounting Software2019-07-08T06:21:00+10:00



As with many aspects of business, it is acceptable to believe there will be a steep learning curve, mistakes made, and lessons learned as you navigate your way through business. The same goes for your trust accounting. We have previously outlined 10 of the most common mistakes made by real estate agents in a previous blog, which you are invited ... read more >>


Switching Trust Account Software – When Is The Right Time?


TIMING IS EVERYTHING Having the right trust accounting software is going to make your life a whole lot easier. If you are having difficulties with your current provider, it is well worth the effort doing some research and making the switch. Like changing banks or insurance providers, changing trust accounting software is probably at the bottom of your ‘things I’m ... read more >>

Switching Trust Account Software – When Is The Right Time?2019-07-08T06:22:00+10:00

Keeping On Top of Your Tradies


Sometimes the ‘set and forget’ tactic can be a blessing. Like setting your coffee machine for automatic brew, or your bread maker to auto bake to rise from slumber to the smells of fresh bread and brewing coffee. Bliss right? However, as an agent, this is definitely not one tactic to have in your repertoire when it comes to managing ... read more >>

Keeping On Top of Your Tradies2019-07-08T06:22:44+10:00
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